0527 - Strategic Planning: Do or Die for Small Business
Course Description
Strategic planning is important for running and growing business and particularly beneficial for small businesses, as it enables them to allocate their limited resources to the most important aspects of their business and capitalize on the best opportunities for growth. Through careful planning and execution, it is possible to maximize the impact of a small business and increase the likelihood of success. This is especially important for small business operations, as proper planning can provide the clarity and direction needed for success. Without it, entrepreneurs may be misguided or find themselves losing market share or profitability. Thus, a well-crafted plan can provide the foundation necessary to launch, grow and maintain a successful business. Small businesses can benefit from strategic planning in a number of ways, from improved team collaboration to cost savings, which in turn will lead to greater productivity and profitability. Strategic planning is fundamental for businesses of all sizes, big and small.
Course Outline
- Mission/Purpose of plan
- SWOT Analysis
- Internal Analysis—Strengths and Weaknesses
- External Analysis –Opportunities and Threats
- Future Vision:
- Objectives and Goals
- Choices and Paths
- Implementation
- Review and Reporting
Learner Outcomes
This program will go through the steps of how best to assist clients in their strategic planning. The program will detail the steps needed to go through with clients and how to break up the planning process into phases to allow clients an easier and smoother experience planning their growth.
- Review and access Mission and Vision Statements
- Go through SWOT analysis in depth
- Focus on Company future vision through Objectives and Goals
- Learn how to Create Strategies and establish KPI's
- Establish an implementation plan
- Learn how to review and report on progress
A Public Service and Outreach Unit of the University of Georgia. Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All programs of the UGA SBDC are open to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.