
Course Description

If your business is ready for growth, SBDC GrowSmart gives you the tools and strategies to reach your goals. GrowSmart was developed by the UGA SBDC to meet the needs of growing businesses. Combining the latest ideas with timeless principles, GrowSmart will propel your business forward! UGA SBDC training has helped thousands of business owners build a foundation for growth. GrowSmart is the product of our experience and commitment to Georgia’s small businesses.
This program gets results! In full day weekly sessions, learn to analyze and manage your business like a seasoned CEO.

35 hours of class time covering all areas of business operation:

  • Evaluate your business, competition, and target markets
  • Hands-on, interactive program 
  • Promotes sharing of best practices
  • Expert speakers add insights to the topic of the day
  • Step-by-step development of your company’s strategies for growth


Combined with long term one-on-one consulting with SBDC professionals, learn to apply course principles and build a business for today’s challenging times. SBDC GrowSmart is a dynamic program for owners and senior managers of growing businesses.

Course Outline

Module 1: Planning for Growth
Making strategic decisions requires careful consideration of internal and external factors. You will examine your operating environment, document company vision and goals, and develop growth strategies based on a thorough assessment of your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Module 2: Marketing: Research, Planning and Implementation
Thoroughly analyze your core competencies and competitive advantages—matching them to needs in the marketplace. Learn to protect your business from competition and develop strategies for effective, profitable pricing. Connect with customers using the latest marketing and communication tools.

Module 3: Leadership & Management
Focus on your changing role as the leader of your company. Identify people resources and leadership strategies that will be necessary to achieve your growth plan. Explore proven methods for hiring, compensating, and motivating your team.

Module 4: Financial Analysis, Tools & Resources
Learn how to analyze your company’s financial condition and develop strategies to improve profits and cash flow. Create a financial plan that quantifies the results of your marketing and management strategies. Determine how much money it will take to grow the business as well as how to fund it.

Module 5: Operations & Implementing Your Plan
Documented, consistent processes are a key to building a scalable, well managed company that has lasting, transferrable value. Assess your current operations and learn methods to document and streamline processes. The program concludes with a short presentation of your one page plan—and a challenge to put the program’s lessons to work in your business!

Learner Outcomes

Work ON your business, not just IN your business!

SBDC GrowSmart graduates gain:
• A strategic business plan with a long-term vision and strategies. A mastery of key business concepts.
• A network of entrepreneurial peers and professional resources.
• Learn to analyze, plan and manage your business like a seasoned CEO.

Module 1: Planning for Growth
Module 2: Marketing: Research, Planning and Implementation
Module 3: Leadership & Management
Module 4: Financial Analysis, Tools & Resources
Module 5: Operations & Implementing Your Plan



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