
Course Description

Are you a business owner with an existing customer email list, but you are not seeing strong results in your sales or website traffic? Perhaps you do not yet have a list, but you want to craft an email strategy that makes sense for your business. This crash course on Email Marketing is for you! Regardless of the stage you are in, you will learn how to establish an email marketing strategy that results in positive ROI for your business, along with specific tactics to convert subscribers into paying customers. It's time to get results with your email marketing campaigns.

Course Outline

1. Why you need an email marketing strategy

2. How to craft high converting subject lines

3. How to improve open rates

4. How to create call-to-actions that drive results

5. Best days and times to send emails

6. Additional tips for emails that convert

Learner Outcomes

  • Craft emails that convert subscribers into paying customers
  • Increase your open rates on emails
  • Understand the details necessary to be most effective with your email marketing strategy and repeat success
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Creating Paying Customers With Effective Email Marketing
Online - Fixed Date
11:00AM to 12:00PM
Oct 10, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Hosting Center
  • UGA SBDC Webinars
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $29.00
Section Notes



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