
Course Description

This webinar will serve as an introduction to business infrastructure as a system for creating foundations to sustain fast growth in small businesses. It will cover basic concepts of business infrastructure using a proven framework tried and tested by hundreds of entrepreneurs and small business owners. This includes providing high-level summaries, illustrations, and real-life stories of small businesses that built business infrastructure and their successes in scaling as a result. The webinar will end with answering specific questions participants may have.

Course Outline

  • What is Business Infrastructure?
  • 4 Questions Business Infrastructure Answers
  • Framework for Creating Business Infrastructure 
  • Example Outcomes & Results
  • 29 Processes Every Small Business Should Have
  • Success Stories

Learner Outcomes

Attendees will leave this session with:

1. A blueprint for building business infrastructure to prepare for and manage fast growth. 
2. An understanding of what business infrastructure is and the value it offers in delivering excellent customer service. 
3. A list of example processes their businesses should have to ensure consistent operations that don't depend on them. 


All programs of the UGA SBDC are open to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact [email protected] or call 678-839-5082.
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